Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prayer Exercise for Groups-Jacob's Ladder

Visual: Jacob’s Ladder by William Blake

Prayer Exercise
Dreamwork – Praying using Images and Symbols

Jacob's Ladder

A portal, a threshold,
To the Presence
The unconscious awakens
In another realm
To Spirit, and symbol
Upon heights where angels
Murmur and gaze
And saints gather
In the Light

Reading: Genesis 28:10-19

Prayerfully listen to the reading, and sketch
images that come to mind during reflection or
prayer time. (Or note words from those images.)

Silent Prayer:

God, Great Dreamer, Creator of our waking and
Our sleep. Meet us in our dreams. Speak to us with
Your Presence, and your whispers Divine. Awaken us
To your Reality evermore even from the shadowy
Realms of our slumber, that we may plunge further into your
Love. Amen.

Music Presentation:
Artworks by Victor Bregeda. Song by Paul Lisney, Jacobs Ladder

(artwork/music presentation full link:

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