Saturday, January 27, 2007

Audio online

My website now contains a good sized audio excerpt of my upcoming book.(visit

Interest from a good number of big name publishers is beginning. More deatils will be forthcoming, when prudently appropriate.

Friday, January 19, 2007

article on The Ooze

Out FEB 15- visit for my article "Grace-filled Relationships: Yuck What a Mess"

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Get wired

I'm in development talk to host my own podcast show on What a great outfit they have. You can hear lots of authors, professors, thinkers, and pastors cheaper than buying a book. I'm hoping to be the MP3 Oprah of my generation.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Missional Church or just churchy?

Does your church pray for the lost?
How does it show the community God's love in a tangible way?
Is your congregation more concerned with maintaining its programs and budgets for things church members can enjoy, or is the heart of your church all about sharing the love and message of God.

Most churches lack greatly in the missional department. That is, they become insular, incestuous if you will. They keep to themselves a good deal. Far too much, really.

Becoming a family with other Believers means we're a different kind of family. We're strange in that we want more family members, and outsiders are just PRE-family members. Sometimes this idea gets lost on us. Sometimes we have our sights on other things, churchy things. Member privileges.

I really enjoyed the podcast about starting to be a more missional church through prayer and community prayer opportunities by Reggie McNeal from Hope you can hear it too.