If you found yourself falling into the list on the Feb 6 post, you are like many adults. You find yourself floating mainly in a "stage 4" of adult development (see: Erikson, Leibert, Kolhberg, Fowler, etc). The trouble with this is that a crisis of identity is likely near at hand, or a transition from this stage may cause emotional and spiritual turmoil that may feel disconcerting, surprising, or troubling.
It is quite common in midlife, or sooner, (especially if one is reflective, or experiences tragedy) to question the deeper meanings of existence. At this point, people tend to either regress, or move onward to deeper spiritual progression. While some get fast sport cars, a mistress, or plastic surgery, (perhaps a regression, or a misguided and roundabout way to finding meaning) others might re-think their priorities. They might down shift from the fast lane of high paying jobs and big mortgages, and spend more time with family and walking with their Maker. Each person's way will look different.
You will find your movement to the next stages more obvious when some of these qualities emerge:
- Neat boundaries for knowing become more faint and less certain
- Interests take on aims beyond self-preoccupation into other's realities
- Self-reflection for the purpose of betterment is more possible as the needs of others become more of a focus
- Once cherished boundaries are less important as one's sense of grace and justice for all takes hold. (boundaries like ethnicity, nationality, denomination, religion, class, etc.)
Send your questions or comments-
New Date-FEB 20
14 years ago
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