Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is Christianity following Jesus?

This is the title of one of the sections in the book I'm writing, "I Love You, in theory: The misadventure of Christian Grace".... With the Christian sub-culture so insular, so churchy, can we really reached the unchurched? Do they really want to be a part of an odd sub-culture with it's own bumper stickers, t-shirts, catch-phrases and formulaic solutions for the "God shaped hole in all of us" ? While most of us realize we are on a spiritual journey, the "Super-sized" McDonald's style version of Christian compete with political pigeon holes, pious regulations, and strange sub-culture, is not something to which we entirely hope to belong. A journey with Jesus is a much richer story than the typical Christian sales pitch would lead us to believe. I have more thoughts on this at www.wit4life.com. Please visit and weigh in on anything you read here or there.

1 comment:

LisaColónDeLay said...

Hidy- ho, neighbor.... Apparently not!