Monday, October 30, 2006

Brian McLaren gives me a "thumbs up"

Lisa - good to hear from you. Sorry for the delay in responding. I'm
in the middle of a really hectic travel and writing schedule, but as
you contact publishers, you can let them know I have expressed
willingness to be an endorser for the book. The book looks really

When you have a publisher and have been through the editing process,
have the publisher send me a hard copy, with as much lead time as possible ...

You're obviously a gifted writer with a needed message. I look forward
to hearing more from you in the future, and to meeting someday. Keep
up the good work! - Brian

Brian McLaren

I'm just in AWE. This whole this has been quick and surreal journey. It's not over yet.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

endorsements coming in!

Good news.
For some background, I've completed a manuscript as my attempt to contribute to the emerging Christian conversation. The book's working title is I Love You, in Theory: The Misadventure of Christian grace see - - My message isn't expressly to women, but certainly it comes through my lens of experience (female).

Jim Palmer is graciously agreed to do my Forward. He is the author of "Divine Nobodies". Pastor Doug Pagitt said he'd give me an endorsement as well as Pastor Andrew tallskinnykiwi Jones. Tony Jones National Director of Emergent Village asked to read my manuscript, which is very exciting. Hopefully more good things will come. I pray that God's name be glorified and that his loving character will be made further know the message he put into my heart. May I be less so that God is more.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

oozing insghts- a letter from reader and response

Hi Lisa,

I really enjoyed your article, especially the way you join your words and heart with scripture to bring alive your message. A good reminder for me. I laughed when you referred to yourself as a married with children, writer/speaker/artist without an MDiv or PHd, because my gifts and situation are similar. although you are a bit farther on your journey. I am curious what experiences you have had been left out of the emerging conversation, or your observations about this dynamic in general. Do you think men are reticent to hear from women or that "normal gals" are intimidated by men who speak eschatologicalese and hold fancy degrees?

Also, I think practicing humility must be balanced with working toward inclusion and justice for our sisters and daughters. Jesus was willing to suffer, but he was not willing to accept the status quo. How do we practice humility, grace and justice in the name of Jesus?

Blessings, Jemila Monroe

Posted by Jemila Monroe | Posted at 10/24/2006 7:18 AM

Hi there, Jemila, You ask some good questions.

I don't suppose I've felt "left out" in a sense that there has been some overt message that says, “Stay away”. Prominent “Leaders” if you can really called them that specifically, of the emergent movement, are noticing the dearth of divergent voices in what is suppose to be a dynamic and diverse conservation about Christian spirituality. There is some effort to be more accommodating as well, which is nice to see. One disappointing and paradoxical aspect is a movement (emergent) that is by nature, nurture and period in history, more egalitarian, is also solidifying into an unilateral one.

I have come from a background of subjugation not grace from most of my church experiences, so the emergent movement seems sweet and filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit and Christ’s character in comparison. The reluctance of men from many mainline denominations and backgrounds, marginalizes female points of view, and teaching, and stiff-arms insights of spiritually mature women I believe has been heavy-handed enough to be in error. I've noticed even in contemporary circles men strongly favoring the spiritual insights of men over women as been the norm, except in “liberal” churches. This seems to be to a waste of gifts and resources for the body of Christ.

I think many men, and nearly all mature and spiritually grounded men in my daily interactions are willing to hear my insights. Whether they value them on par with men is hard to quantify. I don't think it's important to know, because it's not edifying. It probably depends on both the manner in which I present insights/ideas, as well as the individual's bent, or even the mood, of the male listener.

I personally don’t feel intimidated by fancy degrees, (et. al.) (I can just speak for myself. Other women may feel intimidated.) ---but I DO believe knowledge most often puffs up. The Bible is true after all and it makes mention of this potential and common trapping. It’s a trap I can succumb to also, even without a fancy title, trust me! (If we’re honest about it, we can ALL fall prey!) I’ve learned we must be in continual Spirit-led awareness and submission to God to avoid a posture of pride. It's our "default setting."

My message is-- the approach to “be heard” mustn’t be how we would-- typically-- try to attain it. It must emulate the paradox of Christ’s servant ministry when it’s done with his “model.” To answer your other question: (How do we practice humility, grace and justice…) I think we practice humility, grace and justice as Jesus did. It has nothing to do with the status quo, but everything to do with patience and grace. He did NOT think of himself first, but became of no reputation, took the form of a servant and loved and sacrificed. We can’t count on people to be fair and noble and gracious, but we CAN work on our response to them and being the embodiment of grace. I hope you’ll keep your eyes peeled for my book, hopefully out next year, where I tackle some of these things, and I invite you to sign up from my articles “ethoughts weekly” at my website, for further contemplations on these and other matters. You seem to be a kindred spirit, my sister, and I pray God will continue to use and bless you. Good Thoughts!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A fresh voice in the conversation

It seems the emergent conversation is dominated by Caucasian, male clergy, or liberal female clergy. I am endeavoring to lend a new and fresh voice to the conversation as a non-liberal, female, writer, lay-leader. My first published contribution will appear this week (Oct 24) at TheOoze. ( in the Faith section. Please experience the article and feel free to submit comments. They are part of the message of my upcoming book "I Love You, in theory: The misadventure of Christian grace.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Culture shift means earning the right

I think the tendency within people of church is to see the Christian way as the standard others should follow. "come to us for truth" come to us to find God" Come to us for answers to life" These ascertains, though truth, if acted on as the motivating tool for building the Kingdom, fail to realize the massive culture shift that by in large does not value what the church does.

In modern times folk churched their children whether they believed in God or not. It was good for character and ethics and proper social behavior .. Being good and all that. Now we live in times where people find equal value from talking to wood elves, Buddha or Jesus. Or worse "Christianity" is see as a belief system that oppresses people with absolutes and suppresses versions of "truth" and valid ideas. The church culture and the social culture are now opposed again as they were in ancient times. Outsiders want to know you are authentic and love them before they want to hear what you have to say.

Christians in post-modern culture must endeavor to earn the right to be heard, not because we don't have the truth of the Bible, but because merely saying it's the truth is worthless to people of this culture. Logical arguments, well-thought apologetics, and facts often will not sway non believers. Friendship however -- the genuine kind -- will develop trust, the key ingredient in
"earning the right".

I am writing about this in my upcoming book. See

Tell me what you think about what I've said!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Is Christianity following Jesus?

This is the title of one of the sections in the book I'm writing, "I Love You, in theory: The misadventure of Christian Grace".... With the Christian sub-culture so insular, so churchy, can we really reached the unchurched? Do they really want to be a part of an odd sub-culture with it's own bumper stickers, t-shirts, catch-phrases and formulaic solutions for the "God shaped hole in all of us" ? While most of us realize we are on a spiritual journey, the "Super-sized" McDonald's style version of Christian compete with political pigeon holes, pious regulations, and strange sub-culture, is not something to which we entirely hope to belong. A journey with Jesus is a much richer story than the typical Christian sales pitch would lead us to believe. I have more thoughts on this at Please visit and weigh in on anything you read here or there.