Thursday, June 04, 2009

Mosaic Bible, worth a look

I'm a featured as a contributor with a meditation in Tyndale’s Holy Bible: Mosaic NLT, coming Fall 2009. pre-orders reduce the Tyndale list price of $49.95 to just $19.95. This authoritative Bible translation is rendered faithfully into today’s English from the ancient texts by 90 leading Bible scholars.
According to Tyndale website they describe the project this way.
Holy Bible: Mosaic is unlike any Bible that you have used before. Encounter Christ on every continent, and in every century of Christian History. A new genre of Bible—a weekly meditation Bible—Holy Bible: Mosaic is an invitation to experience Christ both in His word, and in the responses of his people. Each week, as you reflect on guided Scripture readings aligned with the church seasons, you will receive a wealth of insight from historical and contemporary writings. Full-color artwork will engage the soul; quotes, hymns, prayers, and poems enhance the rich devotional experience, and space is provided for your response to God’s promptings. It also includes a Dictionary/Concordance, NLT word study system with Hebrew/ Greek dictionary. A beautiful layout of art and devotional content, and an online community and content (coming Fall 2009) will extend the experience.

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