So, a man was on a ship and the captain grabbed him as they were passing another ship and he said, "I have to show you a wonderful man. There, he is, the most honorable, wonderful man I know." And the man said, "Why do you say that?" And the captain said, "One night my ship was sinking and this man and his ship were nearby, and this captain jumped in with no regard for his own life and saved me. Now every time I see this man, I make sure I find whoever and I point out my rescuer, the one I owe my life to."
I heard a version of this story on Sunday, and how I should point out my Rescuer Jesus, and it made me think. I suppose I don't much think about Jesus in the term "Rescuer". That is an urgent term. Maybe urgent isn't an adjective I distinguish with my walk with Jesus. I suppose I would encounter people differently if I bore this story in mind.
It is not too old fashioned to remember we are rescued from ourselves, our sin, the maladies of our culture, our future alone without the glory and goodness of God, without the precious Rescuer of our soul - Jesus Christ. Does the pride of thinking "Rescuer" is over the top back us down from this simple and humble following path of disciple in this way?
Each day, rescue us, Lord Jesus!
New Date-FEB 20
14 years ago
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