I'm excited for the election!!!!!! .... to be over.
But I think it'll degenerate into dismay and lawsuits. I hope not...but this time things have gotten very weird. Obama is not the Messiah. McCain is not who we've all ben waiting for either. The answers don't come quickly. The people in office are not magicians, and they can't keep their promises, and by can't, I mean are not given that power. And also, they often don't expect to keep them all. This is reality. Nov 4th can't solve too much.
Politics runs by the engine of $, power, and fear, really. If you get people afraid of something, they can vote for you, and calm themselves.
I remember hearing one of the best things ever... "Perfect love casts out fear." That's what I'm taking to the polls. Yes, I'm voting. I'm not endorsing. I'm not confident about how this election cycle is going, or how this country is thinking. There are a few crisis 'out there", not least of which is that we think the President should solve our problems. I read a bunch of 4th graders essays tacked to the wall, and they all said what the would do if they were President. Most of them would "be kind", "help the earth", "lower taxes", and "give people money"... but are they learning what the job entails? No. Most of us don't know all it entails. We find it's easy to complain though.
Bigger than that, what is our "job", our mission, in our corner of the world? I really think we don't get beamed up to heaven once we become reconciled to God because we are the hands and feet of Jesus. God uses us to get things done.
New Date-FEB 20
14 years ago
I'm with you, lets move on with life past the election and be the change we all keep talking about.
I agree, the presidential election is a secular race. There is no moral or spiritual candidate. Both Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama had their reasons for running, and I doubt it had anything to do with a Biblical agenda. However there are Spiritual messages that can be taken away from this year's election:
In Obama's victory, we learn how his background perfectly prepared him for the popular vote. I reminds me how God is setting the scene for all our lives. If only we would give our lives over to Him to mold and shape us into a people that continually glorify God and always seek to do His will. Then we would see some amazing things happen in our own lives.
Lastly, in McCain's defeat, there is an opportunity for Christians to show themselves as peacemakers. God allowed Obama to win, so we need to throw Christian support behind him. We need to pray for him as the Bible instructs us to do for all those in government. We also need to bury the hatchet, if ever there was one, and shod our feet with peace for our new president.
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