Saturday, June 28, 2008

At his word?

If what we originally know about Jesus comes from the Bible, and he is recorded as saying, "take up your cross and follow me," and also, "narrow is the way," it's a wonder why we ever think his way will be whatsoever easy or that heaven will heavily populated.

It's a wonder he had followers at all. However he did, so they thought his words were accurate, and his ways were worth it. They, as first century christians were eaten by lions, and they could have changed their minds.

How is it that we put this way on par with other spirituality? Are all faiths the same? They share some common themes, but some claims diverge quite sharply as one dips the toes in to any one of them for very long.

Holding on to "unkowning" is still believing as a certainty. However that "certain" uncertainty seems to be the kind that may cause a great sinking feeling after a while. It seems we all we to be sure of something, even if that means we are sure that we are not sure. But, too much of that is just vertigo. I've tried it. It felt like I had to throw up. Once in a while I did.

So, what things can we be sure of?
What things are you sure of?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Things don't resolve too easily

Searching people (may) notice:

It seems truth can be found within, yet we need an outside reference point to determine it . . .

Truth seems universal and unique. . .

If everyone is equally valid, there is no point in searching (for something "more valid"). . .
But searching goes on.

If personal truth alone is enough, another person cannot help you through their eyes, in a sense, because their perspective is arbitrary. . .

The higher the source the better the reference point, but each person is clouded, and yet the only entry point for individual experience. . .

The questions don't bother me. It's the expectations of speedy answers that do.
: )

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Free devotional Classics

So many devotional classics--so little time.

I did not know about this.

You, yes you can read writings from many leaders and figures throughout church history.
It's free. If you haven't read from primary sources for yourself, there's no excuse now!
St Gregory I, Kierkegaard, Luther, just about anybody. Browse by author, title, or subject. Quite interesting!